Okay, Okay, Okay, I'm sorry! It's been a while, I know. But things have been quite hectic since I last posted some shit on here. ((Now that I think about it, I'm not sure who I'm apologizing to, since I don't think anyone really reads this blog. . . but, I suppose an apology to myself is in order.)) So, there ya go. I'm sorry. And I'm back. And I have plenty to write about! I may have to break it into several different blogs, as there are many art related things I've come into contact with in the last couple months, but I'll start I suppose with an artist who has been on my mind since the first night I met him and his UH-mazing work, and that's DAVE CROSLAND. Dude, this guy is so fresh!
I got the chance to meet Dave at an event I work every Tuesday night @ DoubleDutch, in the Mission District of SF. I got this gig through an internship I acquired about a few months ago with a party promoting company called ArtNowSF. (CHECK IT OUT: http://www.myspace.com/artnow) Every Tuesday we have an artist come in and paint live, right inside the bar, and at the end of the night we raffle off the painting for a $5 entry fee. That's where I come in. Basically, I promote the artist within the bar, and try and make him a little mula while he's there. All the proceeds go directly to the artist, so that's pretty cool. . . and I get paid, and drink for free while I'm there working, so it's a pretty legit set-up for the both of us! The first night I did this, Dave was the artist, and I'd never heard of him before. He had mentioned that he had just gotten back from ComicCon in San Diego, my hometown, and so it cued in the fact that he's mainly an illustrator. The animation is definitely seen in his work, but the piece he did that night had SOO many more elements playing into it than just cool character sketches. He really employs a lot of different techniques into his pieces, one of the most interesting being collage. It adds some great texture to the piece that you wouldn't really be able to notice until it's done. The build up of paint and newpaper adds a great quality, and it completely contributes to the fact that Dave totally has it all under control. He seems to go into the paintings with a secret that only he knows, and that only he could reveal to you. And the end result is always well worth the wait.
You could tell he'd painted live before, as he came prepared with all necessary tools, a primed canvas with the base of his design already sketched and ready, and a Scotch--neat, resting in his free hand. Once he got going, it was hard to tell what it was going to be, but once the image started formulating, it was awesome to see his point-of-view and style really start taking shape.

He would stop every now and then, to take a picture at the developing stages of the artwork, and I later came to find that this was for his blog: http://www.hiredmeat.blogspot.com/, (you can find it to the right in my "Good Friends, Good Reads" section) where he runs through his creative process piece by piece to document and describe the very intricate stages of development. I find this so cool, because the viewer is not only seeing it from their own perspective, but they're also able to sneak in and see it from Croslands own crazy mindset. One guy in particular hanging out (by himself) at the bar found Dave's point of view quite intriguing, and stared with the utmost intent at his work ALL NIGHT LONG. I mean, this guy was actually leaning in and watching Dave from afar as if it were a soccer match or something. And then every once in a while, when Dave would finish a stroke or add a new element to the piece, the guy would literally stand up and cheer! Ha, I'm not joking, he might as well have had an "I (heart) Dave Crosland" t-shirt on! ((Maybe I'll suggest that to Dave! His girlfriend does screenprinting for a non-profit, and actually gave me an awesome shirt!)) Yeah. That's how bad-ass Dave is. Needless to say, I felt pretty bad when the guy didn't win the painting. I could tell he really wanted it. . . Maybe he'll be at the next show. I wouldn't be surprised.
Anyhoo, I've now lost my train of thought. That fan was amazing. Umm, well. . . maybe that means this is a good time to wrap this up. Dave is a freakin' amazing artist and person, and you should check out his work and support it, wherever you may be! Definitely an artist to watch.
I'll be back with many other updates of artists and people I've met who are equally as legit. SF has been good to me these past few months. . . I'll continue to share the love. Until then.
Ex Oh Ex Oh,
(Art) Gossip Girl
The final product of the painting @ DoubleDutch

and cool illustration. . .

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