I've been thinking a lot about revolution. Si, revolucion. I guess thats what happens in this society when people fuck with things that are important to you and at the same time tell you there is nothing you can do about it. Coming from a capitalist driven society means that the time for action is only realized when someone is screwing with your money, and right about now I'm getting pretty pissed at the current state of things. Not only is the nation in an unprecedented economical crisis, but our own sunny state of CA is falling under the cash wagon and shit ain't looking so sunny anymore. The budget crisis has affected my education and I never thought I'd say it, but I am HELLA mad. Classes are closing, kids are being turned away from a chance at a higher education-- something that the very people that are denying them are also saying they need to survive in this society-- teachers and lecturers are losing jobs, funding for school expansion and re-building is being suspended, and my chance at a college degree that will be respected even after I graduate is now looking farther and farther away and less credible than if I were to have gotten it a year or two ago. Class sizes increase while class meetings decrease, leading to a more crowded space and less curriculum to account for it. I'm having to pay more for less. My Dad, who is a flaming Republican and has held up thus far in the hamster wheel of Capitalist society, has even said that revolution is coming. He said the people are going to have to take a stand, and until they do things will stay their course: the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. There is no one in politics for the people, there is only politics for the profit. And until that changes we will continue to suffer, and our country will go under, all for the greed of a certain percentage of citizens. I dont know about you, but I was born here too, and I don't feel comfortable having my opportunities, that are said to be my rights, taken away from me or made harder to obtain. People, rise up. Seize the opportunities to be heard when you can. Excercise the rights that you still have to take back the ones that are being taken from you.
Rise up, rise up, rise up.